The Pre-Publication Party For Helen Lederer’s Novel, Losing It
Posted 14th January 2015
Category: Events Genres: N/A
Helen Lederer has been cited by Dawn French as the third funniest woman in the world and on Saturday evening I attended the pre-publication party for said funniest woman’s novel, Losing It. The party took place in the basement of Black’s, Leicester Square, a lovely little members club, and in general it was a well organised event. Joan Collins couldn’t make it as she had to attend the birth of her next husband (this should give you an idea of the humour), but there were bloggers aplenty as well as authors, publishers, and Helen’s friends.
Helen was a great host. She greeted everyone as they entered and was very welcoming. The atmosphere was friendly and it seemed everyone knew someone there. Once we’d all had a drink or two, Helen stood up to welcome us as a group and later read from her book. I won’t be surprised if it sells well – what she read to us was rather funny.
It was a pleasant surprise to see Maddy (previously of Peirene) and a pleasure to meet Jackie of Farm Lane Books, Kim of Reading Matters, and Paper Neverland.
There were the sponsors. The bag we were given included an ‘interesting’ item: though the item itself was serious enough there is perhaps the suggestion that a character may use it to comedic consequences. I liked the way this was arranged; the bag relating to the book rather than your average sponsorship. As it may be considered a spoiler to ponder any further, I’ll let you know what was in the bag when I review the book.
It was an excellent evening and I can say quite confidently that Losing It is going to be a good read. I’ll be reviewing the book nearer the time but if you’re interested, it’ll be out on 12th February.
(On a not unrelated note, I visited the new Foyles as it was just around the corner and it’s as wonderful as everyone says.)
January 14, 2015, 5:29 pm
Sounds like such a fun evening–I do like this kind of humor…will look for this book in mid-Feb.
January 14, 2015, 5:51 pm
How fun! I love going to events like this, but admit it’s been a long while since I last was able to. I am glad you were able to meet other bloggers too.
January 15, 2015, 3:49 pm
Yes, it was lovely to meet you too! I popped into the new Foyles for the first time that day as well – I love the light, airy feel of it. Hope to see you again soon!
January 16, 2015, 5:55 am
oh I was invited to the launch but it was a bit too far for me to travel (from Australia). I was sent a copy of the book though and I’m looking forward to reading it.
January 16, 2015, 5:48 pm
Belle: It was indeed :)
Alice: Yes, especially as I’d had no idea if I’d know anyone there.
Jane: Hope you enjoy it!
Literary Feline: This was my first for a good few months, so they are always quite special. Yes, it was a lovely surprise, as I said to Alice – I didn’t know.
Jackie: And so many books even with all that space! Same :)
ShelleyRae: Eek, yes, that is a bit far! Great that you’ve got a copy of the book :D
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January 14, 2015, 3:36 am
Sounds like it was a fun event for a fun book!