Readathon October 2013
Posted 12th October 2013
Category: Challenges Genres: N/A
I fully expect this readathon to be the same as the previous I don’t know how many. My boyfriend took time off work so that we could spend the weekend together, so I’ll be juggling playing computer games with reading. Is it acceptable to say that one of the reasons you’re looking forward to moving out (and thus living with your partner 24/7) is that you’ll be able to participate in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon without having to consider putting your relationship on the back-burner for the day?
Anyway, I will read when I can. I’ve decided to choose a couple of short books because I wouldn’t mind gaining some sense of achievement. Considering what I’ve said above that’s not going to happen if I choose a book longer than 200 pages. To me a short book during the readathon does seem cheeky, because numbers-wise it’ll seem as though I’ve read more than someone who chose longer books, but what I liked in April earlier this year was that I felt I’d taken part.
First and foremost I’ll be reading Meike Ziervogel’s Magda. It has the bonus of being written by someone I’m acquainted with (Ziervogel founded Peirene Press), of being on the shortlist for the Not The Booker Prize, and of being a story that I know will pack a punch and provide lots to write about. If I manage to finish that, I’ll be reading Debbie Dee’s Tiy And The Prince Of Egypt, a middle-grade novel from an author whose books I’ve enjoyed in the past.
I doubt I’ll be able to take part in any challenges, but I will try to comment on as many readathon posts as I can, even if that means commenting on some after the 24 hours are over. I’ll do the same as last year – this post will be my only post, I’ll simply update it as the day continues. Incidentally I’m starting early as the 1pm start time for Britain is difficult.
Best of luck to all of you who are taking part!
Update at the official start (1pm BST)
I’ve got a bit of reading done this morning, Pages read: 28/113
Update at 7 hours in (8pm BST)
Read a few more pages during the day, though not many. Starting back again now. Pages read: 41/113
Update at 11 hours in (12am BST)
Finished Magda! I’m very happy for that. Starting my next book, reading for a bit longer, then heading to bed. Books read: 1
Update after the ending time
I tried to read before bed but was too tired. I read a few pages in the morning but had to leave before the end of the 24 hours as I had to go out. Still, I did better than I hoped and maybe I’ll have the chance to finally take part properly next time.
October 12, 2013, 4:12 am
Lol! The Hubs knows not to expect to interact much with me during readathon, and it’s usually something I plan for (make sure I don’t have work or make other plans). Hopefully you’ll get to have some fun and get reading done tomorrow, I’ll be cheering you on!
October 12, 2013, 9:58 am
I think going for the sense of achievement is probably the best idea rather than worrying too much about length. It’s all about just reading, not numbers, in my view at least. :) Good luck and I hope you enjoy your reading and your time with your boyfriend!
Agreed on the 1 pm start time. I could happily start now, but I tend to wait and have lunch etc before I settle in.
October 12, 2013, 2:50 pm
My poor husband will be neglected for most of today, but he was forewarned! Good luck, GO TEAM PANDA!
Vikk @ Down the Writers Path
October 12, 2013, 4:42 pm
I always try to bank in short works. Makes for an easier day. You just do what you can. Anything you accomplish is better than not having done anything at all. Have a great day!
October 12, 2013, 9:22 pm
Yay for your reading progress! My reading plans are always way out of whack with what I think I’ll read, but every single page counts, right?
Stay awake, don’t you yawn,
It’s time for Readathon!
October 12, 2013, 9:32 pm
Just remember one thing — check the Readathon date before you pick your moving-in day, so you don’t schedule them for the same day! ;)
October 13, 2013, 12:47 am
Oh, it’s just the best to have company for the RAT. But it does sometimes mean you don’t read as many pages. Works for me, though. What games are pulling you away from reading; I wish I could figure out a way to play AND read. That would be awesome. Enjoy the rest of your read-a-thon. (Cheering for Team Panda!)
October 13, 2013, 5:18 am
Hey, you already have finished one book, great!!
Hope you had a great time yesterday :)
It’s hard to chose between your relationship and A READATHON hehehe.
October 13, 2013, 12:33 pm
Considering you’re not totally free,getting one book read is marvellous!
Comments closed
October 12, 2013, 3:40 am
Ha ha, it is completely acceptable to say that! :D Have a great day tomorrow!