October 2017 Reading Round-Up
Posted 1st November 2017
Category: Round-Ups Genres: N/A
Well, I’m back with time to blog properly. I’ve not got any posts drafted besides this one but I do have one in the planning stage for Friday. The last 12 days have been absolutely packed – our festival was 10 days which meant a lot of time doing the usual work in the office, then out in the evenings, and at some other point – whenever I had time – I’ve been writing up my notes and editing photographs. I’m still working on the last bit as there is a lot to cover. This past Saturday was our finale day; we had a transport heritage group situate 4 vintage buses alongside the old town walls and each deck became a ‘stage’ for various local poetry groups. Half-way through the afternoon the Southampton Ukelele group gathered outside and played a set which drew a lot more people over (we were in the same area as a new shopping/restaurant complex) and the weather was perfect. It was 28th October and we were taking our jackets off and pulling up our sleeves.
My In Conversation with A J Waines went very well; I’ll post more about it later once we’ve edited the photos and video. As for my reading, it’s not gone badly. Lots of reading in the small moments. There are 4 books on the list but for my own peace of mind I’m saying to myself I read 5 books – I’ve 70 pages left of the Hanif Kureishi.
All books are works of fiction.
The Books
A J Waines: Girl On A Train – When Anna sits down beside someone on the train she is frustrated by their constant fidgeting and confused by the look they give her as they go to leave at a small station; then, as the train begins to move again, it ploughs into something. A thriller that is nothing like the book of a similar name but just as good if not more so.
A J Waines: Lost In The Lake – When psychotherapist Sam takes Rosie on as a client she reckons it’s just about helping Rosie recover her memories of a terrible accident, but it turns out there is more to the accident than thought and Rosie thinks there’s more to their relationship than there is. A fantastic, highly developed thriller that looks into the reasons behind decisions.
Lindsey Hutchinson: The Workhouse Children – When Cara finds out she had siblings she goes looking for them in the workhouse; seeing the conditions she makes a pledge to get the residents out into good homes and paid work. Highly unrealistic and no real plot.
Nicholas Royle: Ornithology – A short story collection on the theme of birds, this book includes stories about twitter and stalking, the similarities between birds and humans, a futuristic concepts. Very original and rather horrific but in a good way – it makes you think.
I very much enjoyed the Royle but my favourite this month was Lost In The Lake. As coincidental as it sounds, considering I interviewed the author, the structuring and overall planning of this book is exceptional. My least favourite is pretty clear.
Quotation Report
The line I highlighted in the Royle:
Out of context, it doesn’t make sense. Out of context, nothing makes sense.
This month there’s the promotion for the Young Writer Of The Year Award and April Munday’s latest to get to. And I’ve my next author event happening on 23rd November with Louise Douglas. I’m incredibly excited about it – I loved The Secrets Between Us and can’t wait to ask her about the Daphne Du Maurier influence. I’ll be reading her first and latest books in preparation.
What are you reading and are the shops where you are already stocked for Christmas?
November 2, 2017, 1:15 am
Sounds like a much better month for you. Nice you had a conversation with that author… those are gems. Happy November!
Jacqueline Pye
November 2, 2017, 6:39 am
About to start A Skinful of Shadows, then The Power. Still glancing warily at The Bone Clocks, bought ages ago and not sure why! Nice blog, by the way.
November 4, 2017, 9:32 pm
I am currently reading and loving Season of Storms by the wonderful Susanna Kearsley. And yes the shops are well stocked, however I don’t like to use the ‘C’ word before December ;-)
I hope your next author event goes well and happy reading!
November 10, 2017, 1:27 pm
Kelly: That’s great to hear! And it’s always nice to know when your recommendation has been taken up :) That’s an interesting title – the Tooley. I’ll have to look it up – on the surface a random title! Christmas is basically ‘go’ here, now. Shops in full force; I’m surprised there’s no Christmas music yet.
Freda: It was, a lot more reading. And it was a lovely event. Happy November to you, too!
Jacqueline: Thank you! The Bone Clocks… I’ve looked at it so many times due to cover as it reminds me of The Night Circus, but reviews have been mixed. I’d be interested to hear what you think :)
Jessica: I’ve been considering that one recently myself – apart from The Firebird it’s the only one still unread on my shelves. As you’ve said it’s good I may well put it on the ‘as soon as possible’ list. Understandable! – I had to say the greeting the other day to someone I won’t see until January. It was so strange!
Comments closed
November 1, 2017, 8:50 pm
After reading your review, I opted to get Lost in the Lake along with the first book in the series. Both sound very good.
Currently I’m reading Anima and the Goat by Hunt Tooley. Different, but quite interesting and filled with history about which I know very little.
Christmas is creeping in and I’m sure it will burst forth in full force now that Halloween is past.