Next Stop Procrastination #9
Posted 19th August 2016
Category: Next Stop Procrastination Genres: N/A
Today we’ve someone else’s article about Daphne Du Maurier’s jealousy because I’m definitely writing too much on that topic – and this one I’ve found is very interesting; we’ve a brief piece about Irving Bacheller’s work which I found whilst researching my discovery post; and some great stuff from The Toast which Mallory Ortberg has sadly stopped updating but is leaving online for further perusal. I’m liking this current format, fewer posts, more links in them. What do you think?
Ever wondered about the woman Daphne Du Maurier was jealous of?
About three of the houses Daphne Du Maurier used as inspiration.
A photographer writes about finding a rare edition of Irving Bacheller’s most famous book.
Google search tricks you may not know about.
Questions and answers with Ursula Le Guin.
Yay to a female scientist on Scottish banknotes, says York University, let’s have more.
Author Nicola Cornick discusses the historical Bluestockings literary group.
Lesser known old coming-of-age novels.
A hand-painted feature film about Van Gogh’s paintings.
In defence of literary conflict.
What makes a book a classic? asks children’s’ publisher Scholastic.
Out with the newer and in with the older: An abandoned Walmart is (or was at the time – I’ve included this for interest rather than breaking news) America’s biggest library.
On the rise of literary tourism.
Baffled by all the lights and darks? Here’s a guide to coffee roasts.
When a girl’s fiancé dumped her a month before the wedding she couldn’t cancel the reception so she threw a party for homeless women and children instead.
I wrote the accent: a black writer on urban romance.
A literary pilgrimage to the Jane Austen Centre.
We often look at our shelves and feel bad about all the unread books but here’s a thought: unread books are more valuable to our lives than read ones. There’s this article, too.
Any links you’d like to share with us?
August 20, 2016, 7:28 pm
Oh man, I knew a bunch of those google tricks, but some of the others were quite spectacular, particularly this thing of searching for animated images only. Excellent links!
August 29, 2016, 8:56 pm
Wonderful selection of links! :D I also had no idea Rebecca the film couldn’t show Max did it because of the rules around films at the time – fascinating!
August 31, 2016, 1:59 pm
Bookertalk: Yes. I have to say I prefer the second type. The first tends to be overdone. Not literary and not created from scratch, but I’m thinking of Highclere Castle, all Downton Abbey and nothing about the rest of the house’s history – I surprised one of the room guides when I asked about a portrait of Charles I.
Jenny: Here, too! Regarding Google, I find the reverse image search very useful for finding out original sources.
Alice: Thanks :) I know, and the way Hitchcock changed it is quite subtle which is nice.
Comments closed
August 19, 2016, 9:25 am
there are different kinds of literary tourism aren’t there? Some are concocted for commercial reasons like the Cadfael trail created for Herefordshire council to piggy back on the popularity of the tv series. Others are more considered (though obviously serve commercial interests) where you get to visit the house of a literary figure – Wordsworth’s Cottage as an example. These latter examples to me are much more rewarding