Long-Awaited Reads Month
Posted 16th November 2012
Category: Challenges Genres: N/A
A few days ago, Ana posted about a certain month of reading that she had created with Iris. They decided that it might be an idea to finally tackle some of those books that you buy with the best intentions but never get round to reading. We’ve all been there. You’re so excited about a book, but for one reason or another you put it off, namely because it’s daunting or you feel your reading or writing of it won’t live up to the mark. So Ana and Iris named January 2013 Long-Awaited Reads Month, and whilst it is primarily a venture for themselves, quite a few people have expressed interest in joining, myself being one of them because I’ve several books that have been collecting dust, in some cases for years.
Ana and Iris are dedicating the whole month to nothing but these books, however I’ll likely be taking a detour every now and then, and am considering extending my own goal to further months. It’s time to get to those books. Because a list came to mind very soon, I’ve decided it might be an idea to write it out lest I forget and end up treating the lack of a list as a convenience. It’s not complete, but here’s the basic plan:
Beatrice Colin: The Luminous Life Of Lilly Aphrodite – You remember a few years ago this was on a lot of blogs? Yes, I’ve had it that long.
Irène Némirovsky: Suite Française – Found in a cheap bookshop, bought because everyone said it was good, never got round to reading it.
James Clavell: Shogun – Double points because it’s on my Classics Club list.
Lisa See: Shanghai Girls – The small print put me off.
Vanora Bennett: The People’s Queen – I bought this on holiday this time last year, wanting to read someone other than Elizabeth Chadwick (I love Chadwick but know I ought to broaden my medieval horizons). I haven’t read it yet because it’s not Elizabeth Chadwick.
Vikram Chandra: Red Earth And Pouring Rain – A random purchase at the same time as Suite Française, the heaviness and complexity of the plot put me off. That said I’ve only Amazon to go on regarding the complexity.
So there we are. My list for Long-Awaited Reads Month and likely beyond. It’s about time those books were read.
Fancy joining us?
November 16, 2012, 9:10 am
So glad you’re joining us, Charlie! I hope you enjoy all your picks. I read Suite Française this summer and it’s definitely one of my favourite reads of the year.
PS: Just a small clarification – we don’t mean only books you buy but put off reading, but any books you’ve been thinking you should get around to reading for a long time. So if you have to borrow it from the library or download it from Gutenberg, it absolutely counts too!
November 16, 2012, 10:01 am
Brilliant idea!! I’m in. I may be doing a hellish commute for two months so having a reading challenge will ease the pain.
November 16, 2012, 12:12 pm
I think this is a wonderful idea. Good luck with it. I won’t be taking part though as I find too many challenges/projects eventually gets me down, so will just stick to The Classics Club for now.
November 16, 2012, 3:17 pm
I love this idea! Good luck with your list :) I’ve been trying to get through my tbr piles in the last few weeks. So far, so good!
November 16, 2012, 3:44 pm
I love the idea! I am actually planning something similar but a little different for my blog in January!
November 16, 2012, 6:41 pm
yes! I do need to join this. Suite Francaise is also on my list of long awaited reads. Although I would need a whole year to read through my list. Hmmmm. ;)
November 16, 2012, 9:09 pm
I’m planning to join in with this too, as there are so many books I’ve been wanting to read for ages and can never seem to get round to. I don’t think I’ll be posting a list as I prefer to be flexible and not make any definite commitments, but I do have some books in mind!
November 17, 2012, 2:04 pm
a great idea – love the books on your list & reasons for not reading them. Shogun is one I’d like to read someday and I’m curious about the Vikram Chandra. Made it through Sacred Games and liked it but whoo, was it long!
November 17, 2012, 2:30 pm
I’m also planning to join in – although I haven’t thought about what books I’m going to read yet. Shogun is definitely on my list, though – just in the wrong country (in my parents’ house in the US, not with me in the UK)!
November 19, 2012, 7:38 pm
Anbolyn: Yay! Perfect blend of events. Hope you get to Suite Francais, would be great to hear your thoughts!
Ana: Yep, I’m crossing my fingers. Though I suppose if any prove to be dull it’s the perfect “excuse” for why they got left for so long, even if it makes the choice to get it a bit silly. Good to hear you liked Suite Francais. Regarding the clarification, that’s awesome, I’ll add a few more ideas.
Alice: That’s great! Eek, two months – yes, I’d say this sort of reading challenge would be good at counteracting that.
Jessica: I know what you mean. Aside from The Classics Club this is the only one I’ve signed up for in a while besides the readathon. It’s important to have space to choose.
Jennifer: It’s good, right? Thanks. And well done for your own TBR downsizing, always a good thing.
Rebecca: That’s awesome, can’t wait to hear about it!
Trish: So many of us with Suite Francais, it’s going to be like it’s been re-released! Oh here, too. That’s why I’m going to continue past January.
Helen: :D Yes, planning too much isn’t good, I think if I were only doing it for January I would have left the list out.
Jennifer: Other than the one I listed I’m not knowledgeable on Chandra, so that’s interesting to hear. Flicking through Red Earth, it does look like quite the epic.
Meghan: Awesome! If you’re still planning to read it, maybe one for the ereader? I actually think in this case being able to see the length will be the difficulty!
Long-Awaited Reads Month (ish) – of Books | of Books
November 25, 2012, 11:13 am
[…] quote Charlie, who is often more eloquent than I, “Ana posted about a certain month of reading that she had […]
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November 16, 2012, 5:14 am
I’d love to join! It works out perfectly for me because I just joined the TBR Double Dare and have committed to read only books from my own shelves from January to April. These events go hand-in-hand!
I have Suite Francaise on my *dusty* shelves too.