January, February, And March 2023 Reading Round Up
Posted 3rd April 2023
Category: Round-Ups Genres: N/A
Given that my start back into reading and blogging only happened mid-March and I chose to start with a 1053-page book, I shouldn’t be surprised I only finished one book, and that a different one entirely. Having not accounted for the reads from this quarter at all, however, it seems less damning; I finish this quarter with two books. Let’s go.
Both books are works of fiction.
Amita Parikh: The Circus Train (2022) – Following the travels through WWII Europe of an international circus, this book looks closely at the lives of Lena (who has Polio), her illusionist father, and a stowaway Jewish boy, as they try to remain out of the Nazis’ interests, and continue their trade, whilst growing as people. There’s an interesting controversy here where Parikh looks at a Polio-free life for Lena that is in fact supported by mid-1900s medical treatment.
Lisa See: Lady Tan’s Circle Of Women (2023) – A fictionalisation of the life of a woman doctor in 1400s China (fictional because we know so little of her apart from the medicine). Absolutely superb.
This past half of a month (March) has been about getting back into reading properly. I currently have two books on the go and working on finishing at least one of them quickly (simply because it’s not over a thousand pages like the other). And for the first time in ages, I have a basic reading list to follow for the next few weeks.
What have you read recently?
April 3, 2023, 5:14 pm
Nice way to ease yourself back in with a 1053-page book ;) They both sound fascinating, though.
The best book I’ve read lately is The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka. I can strongly recommend that one if you’re looking for good books for the second quarter.
April 4, 2023, 7:17 pm
Hi Lisbeth! That is true, and I agree with your strategy. I see shorter books after this one (and ‘while’ with this one too). I’m also looking forward to that weird thing where after you’ve read a long book a 300 page one seems like a short story!
I can’t recommend Lady Tan enough. I didn’t include it in my review but I think it may be Lisa See’s best yet.
April 4, 2023, 7:20 pm
Hi Andrew, good to ‘see’ you.
I know, right. Don’t do things by half and all…
I am looking for books, definitely. I’ve a few ready but it’ll only take me to a couple of months from now if reading them one after another, and that is an intriguing title. I will take your recommendation to my list, thank you!
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April 3, 2023, 11:50 am
Such big books take time. I always read thinner books to compensate.
I have heard of Lady Tan’s… recently and it sounds like a really interesting read.