Christmas Blogging Briefing
Posted 16th December 2019
Category: Miscellaneous Genres: N/A
I’m taking an extra few blogging days off prior to this Christmas period as I have a ton more left to do (though the presents are bought, wrapped, and under the tree, which hasn’t happened this early before), but it won’t be a complete break, so to speak.
I’ll be returning to ‘normal’ postings on Monday 6th January; I’ll begin the year as I tend to with round ups and goals, and I’ll have a review or two, and a thoughts post or two, ready for you. However, as my last podcast episode of the year is this coming Saturday, I’ll be making a post for it to go out as any other; I plan to create a transcript for it so it won’t be just a media player, rather something more substantial and an alternative to 46-odd minutes of audio. It was a particularly fun episode to make – I’m in conversation with Filipino author Samantha Sotto whose work I’ve loved for years and there was a lot of laughter and talk about chickens, in fact we probably spent a good quarter or so of the time talking about chickens for one reason or another.
I’ll probably post tweet-sized reviews to Twitter – I’ve Nicola Cornick’s April release on my ‘very soon’ list. I’ll also be replying to your latest comments here and I hope to visit your own blogs more than I have been recently. And that concludes the blog briefing.
This weekend I watched a bit of Strictly Come Dancing (I’ve seen very little before) – a competition show that pairs professional dancers with celebrities; the basic format’s the standard one you likely all know. A particular dance was brilliant, and I thought I’d share it. The woman is the dancer; the guy an actor. They ended up winning and from what I could tell, it seemed well deserved.
Seasons greetings and happy holidays to you all; see you very briefly on Saturday, and on Twitter, and then back here on the 6th.
December 17, 2019, 1:45 pm
Blessed Be this Christmas. Wishing you all the best for 2020.
Comments closed
December 16, 2019, 4:01 pm
Wishing you all the best for the holiday season! See you again in January.