A Thank You, A Question, And A Heads-Up
Posted 6th July 2012
Category: The Worm Hole Genres: N/A
I recently noticed that I’m getting regular hits from Bloglovin’. I must admit ignorance – until I saw referrals from there I was under the impression that it was solely a network for fashion bloggers because those were the types of blogs I saw the logo on. However my ignorance has now been blasted away by knowledge and due to my readers from Bloglovin’ (hello!) I have integrated the link to The Worm Hole on my bar of social media buttons at the top of the page.
I have written a rather long post about a trip I made to a historical site. By long I mean over 1000 words, and that is after extensive editing. I had a lot I wanted to say about it and many photos I wished to share. I put this question to Twitter, but it makes sense to ask my readers directly – would you read a post of that length, and would such a post be of interest to you? It is not a straight-up description of the site, rather a more comical mixture of description, my feelings, and the mysteries surrounding it.
I’ll be breaking my blogging schedule briefly this weekend in order to join Jodie’s Small Press Fortnight. By breaking schedule I mean there will be an additional post this Sunday (I don’t tend to post on Sundays any more). I will be discussing Persephone Books and Peirene Press and whilst the writing isn’t too good as I’m suffering from an inspirational block, I hope the content itself will be of use.
And a quick note to say that I have added email subscription to the site. To subscribe via email please click here.
July 6, 2012, 4:13 pm
I’ve been on Bloglovin for over a year now and love it. I got so sick of Google Reader, and with Bloglovin I see the actual blog. It’s great!
July 6, 2012, 8:25 pm
I don’t know anything about Bloglovin’ – I’ll have to investigate! And to answer your question, I would be interested in reading your long post. I’m curious to see which historical site you visited.
July 7, 2012, 5:02 am
I’ve never heard of Bloglovin’ before, but that’s awesome that you are getting some love from there! Woohoo :-)
Comments closed
July 6, 2012, 3:15 pm
I don’t mind long posts, especially when they are broken up with images (and thus easier to read and digest). However, I do tend to avoid book reviews that long for fear of spoilers unless it’s something I’ve already read.