A Long-Time Reading Challenge Comes To The Worm Hole
Posted 6th November 2013
Category: The Worm Hole Genres: N/A
Those of you who follow both Beth Fish and myself on Twitter may already know what this post is about due to the proliferation of tweets posted within a few hours of Friday evening and Saturday morning. It was a wish on Beth’s part and a sudden decision on mine.
From this November onwards (at least for the foreseeable future) I will be hosting the What’s In A Name challenge here on this blog. It’s a challenge that, as many of you may know, is due to begin its seventh run and lasts for the entirety of a year. Beth is unable to continue hosting it and asked if someone could take it on. When she spoke of it needing time I realised that I had that time to give. And so although I had never taken part in the challenge myself, I offered to be the one to carry it on. If there’s something that really saddens me about blogging, it’s the demise of long-time ‘traditions’ and blogs.
I’ve actually been wanting to host a challenge for sometime, but have also been aware that I don’t have the time available for one similar to a lot of the short-term, very busy, ones out there. It’s for this reason that my own challenge idea remains solely a concept and confined to my head. With What’s In A Name, it’s longer, there is less to do, and it’s popular enough that it would likely be missed.
The sign-up post for next year’s challenge will be posted here on 20th November as my post for the day. The remaining information, seven further posts, will be published as WordPress pages so that if you want to join in you can, but so that it won’t change the structure and subject of this blog. I also reckon it’ll look nicer in general if Pages are used.
As a brief introduction for those of you who aren’t familiar with What’s In A Name, the challenge is one for which you read five books, between January and the end of December, that fit the five categories provided. These categories are based on the words of book titles, for example one of the categories I’ve created for this upcoming instance is ‘a position of royalty’ – so you could choose a book such as Prince Caspian, The Last Empress, or The Curse Of The Pharaohs. It’s a fun and relatively undemanding challenge – the only major rules are that you have to read a different book per category and that your choices are used for this one challenge only. Both bloggers and non-bloggers can join in, as I’ll be opening the comments to let non-bloggers talk about their books on the Pages.
My hope is that I’ll be a good host and, as said above, this challenge will blend in well with the rest of the content here. I see no reason why it shouldn’t, given the plan.
What do you think of this idea, and will you join in?
November 6, 2013, 4:30 am
I wasn’t going to do any challenges next year – but how can I not support your first year as challenge host!!!! I’ve participated in the past, and it’s one of my favorite challenges, so I’m definitely joining it for next year.
November 6, 2013, 12:05 pm
This isn’t one I’ve ever done, but congrats for taking it on! I don’t have a good record with the year-long challenge I’ve tried two years in a row (TBR Pile Challenge from Roof Beam Reader), so I’ll cheer you all on from the sidelines!
November 6, 2013, 6:21 pm
I am doing terrible with this challenge right now. I wasn’t going to sign up for any challenges this next year, but like Tanya, I want to show my support to you, so will likely sign up again. :-) And okay, so I can’t help myself. I have to try, right?
November 6, 2013, 8:24 pm
I’ve taken part in this challenge before but not for a few years, so I’m very tempted to join in again. I’ll look forward to seeing what the categories will be!
November 7, 2013, 1:46 pm
Love this challenge and wish you all the best. This is the first year I didn’t scramble in December to complete it – but I think about it all year long. Nice logo button, too. :)
November 7, 2013, 5:47 pm
I love the idea of this challenge would like to take part but might not have the time. We will have to see. Good luck with it all!
November 7, 2013, 7:11 pm
It’s been a long time since I participated in a reading challenge (I used to also host the non-fiction five and classics challenges) but I might have to join this one next year. I’ve always loved the idea of it. Glad you’re taking it over for Mrs. BFR.
November 9, 2013, 8:56 pm
This sounds good! A year long challenge actually sounds like more of an attainable goal for me, If I have the time I’ll definitely partake.
Good luck with it. :)
Comments closed
November 6, 2013, 3:04 am
Absolutely!! I’m in. This has been my favorite challenge ever since the first one in 2007. I’m so happy the challenge will live on. Thanks for taking on the hosting work.