The First Book From Transworld
Posted 2nd July 2010
Category: Challenges Genres: N/A
1 Comment
Yesterday morning I received my first book from Transworld, Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld. Now it may sound very convenient for me to say this, it being a free book for review, but it’s absolutely stunning! When I saw the cover online, while looking to decide which books I wanted, this was the one that stuck out to me over all the others and in the flesh (so to speak) I can say that it’s even more good-looking. The print is easy to read, the paper very good quality and the cover embossed. It’s quite a thick book and feels lovely to the touch. The reason I chose Prep over others was that the storyline sounded vastly different and, apart from the cover, I was intrigued by the words “boarding school”. As someone who grew up under the guidance of a parent who’d loved the Mallory Towers, The Famous Five, and introduced her to St. Trinians and The Templeton Twins, I am under the impression that Prep will be right up my street.
I’m expecting it to be good but will not be overpowered by this feeling because I know what tends to happen when one is too excited.
From herein there will be page turning…
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July 2, 2010, 10:33 pm
What’s Transworld? I have Prep on my shelf, though I haven’t read it (my sister got it and said it was odd, but don’t base anything on her perception as her taste in books is very different than mine). I hope you enjoy it!
Charlie: Transworld’s part of Random House, I’m not sure if you’d call it an imprint though because it’s big (and has imprints under itself too). I’m enjoying it so far, I haven’t noticed anything odd yet though I can see where it might be odd later.