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Lee Seong-bok – Indeterminate Inflorescence

Book Cover of Lee Seong-bok's Indeterminate Inflorescence

Indeterminate Inflorescence is a collection of aphorisms by the famed South Korean poet, Lee Seong-bok, taken from his lectures on poetry and collected by his university students.

This is a small book – each aphorism is presented as though it were its own short piece of work, numbered and ordered; you can generally tell when subsequent sayings are from the same lecture as the overall subject is passed along.

This isn’t the sort of book to read from cover to cover; I can say from having read it that way (in order to be able to review it in good time) that it will surely work best as something you dip in and out of whenever you need inspiration or the book just takes your fancy. The problem with reading it as I did is that you notice perhaps a little too much the repetitions throughout and given that these repetitions are almost certainly simply down to the poet having lectured for 30 years, as per the publicity materials, this is something you’ll want to avoid.

There is an interesting aesthetic value to this book – it could easily have been produced as a big-production coffee table book and provided a lot of visual pleasure to other poets and poetry lovers, but then it may have lost the simplicity of what Seong-bok says. Certainly he has a very literary, metaphorical, and simile-full way of speaking (or writing, if the students took the aphorisms from his notes rather than their own) but he also studies those devices in his advice and speaks out against them in particular ways and for particular reasons. Some of the things said may create a pause – they can be odd, very much out of left field (a dog menstruating making one think of humans, for example) and there’s quite the random focus on the relation between sex and poetry as so on on other subjects – but the majority are good.

My personal favourite is the one included in the promotional material, number 151. I expect it’s the favourite of many:

Don’t get distracted by what fascinates, question the obvious instead. Write about things you’d never even bothered considering the importance of. The question itself is the answer. There is no meaning that exists, only the process in which we make meaning.

The only thing I feel is missing is an introduction, by one of the students, the translator, whoever – there is a very brief note about how the book came to be (largely what I’ve described in my opening) but nothing else beyond that. Some added context about what exactly the lectures were about, where they were given, and how the students collected the notes would have been lovely and would have set the book off.

On this, however, I found an Instagram post from the translator, Anton Hur (who has done a wonderful job), which is insightful:

This book was an incredible labor of love from start to finish. Years ago, I found it in a bookstore and fell in love with it. But it was technically non-fiction, and Korean non-fiction was not getting translated so much (at all?) at the time. I made a sample, just for myself, put it in a drawer, and forgot about it.

Then came 2020 when I got to attend [The British Centre for Literary Translation’s] multilingual prose workshop […] I was trying to illustrate a point and showed the workshop my sample. They were WOWED. They asked me if there were more of these aphorisms! That’s when I knew this book could work in translation.

I thought maybe 200 people would buy the book. But then right before publication, RM of BTS uploaded some of Lee Seong-bok’s aphorisms1.

Suffice to say this provides a reason for there not being an introduction by the original compilers. There is also the following from the publicity materials:

Students of his class spent a decade gathering Lee’s most inspired, fruitful and provocative insights, which were published as a book of aphorisms in 2015 called Indeterminate Inflorescence.

Over all, then, Indeterminate Inflorescence makes for a lovely keepsake that will round off a poetry lover’s library with an aid or inspiration for when time is short. It’s the kind of book you can buy and enjoy over and over again, gaining new insights every time. There are so many aphorisms included – 470 – that you’re bound to find some that resonate with you and that on a very high level.

I was sent this book for review.

Publisher: Allen Lane (Penguin)
Pages: 162
Type: Non-Fiction
Age: Adult
ISBN: 978-0-241-72815-4
First Published: 2015; 12th September 2023 in English
Date Reviewed: 13th November 2024

Original language: Korean
Original title: 무한화서 (Indeterminate Inflorescence)
Translated by: Anton Hur


1 Anton Hur, 15th December 2023, Instagram

Raymond Antrobus – The Perseverance

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Small book. Big message.

Publisher: Penned In The Margins
Pages: 72
Type: Poetry
Age: Adult
ISBN: 978-1-908-05852-2
First Published: 1st October 2018
Date Reviewed: 11th November 2019
Rating: 5/5

The Perseverance is a magnificent collection of poetry. Full of variation in method, the themes of racial identity and identity as a person who is deaf, together with the social perceptions of both, the book offers a wealth of examples of difference between stereotype and reality, reworkings and reclamations of misinterpretations and ignorance, in a deceptively small number of pages.

Whilst Antrobus’ poems share just a few themes between them, you’d be wrong to think that subjects are similar. Umbrella-wise, they are, but to see the poems as coming under a couple of umbrellas would be to miss the point. The ideas of discrimination and prejudice don’t by themselves, as we know, infer how much is actually going on behind the scenes, as Antrobus’ collection brilliantly shows.

This is a collection about the poet himself – his family, his experiences and thoughts – but they will speak to many. His small studies of people’s perceptions of his mixed-race self and heritage and his explanations of how it feels to be treated as lesser then because he can’t hear, which will resonate with those who’ve suffered similar experiences as well as those with other disabilities and conditions, are profound. They are needed.

The first poem, called Echo and split into a few verses, each introduced by an illustration in BSL, combines and compares Catholicism with moments in Antrobus’ experience. It looks at how a lack of sound is so often equated to otherness, before moving onto other questions and situations in Antrobus’ childhood, the days before his parents realised he couldn’t hear them.

In Jamaican British, the poet looks at the two branches of his racial heritage and the way difference is perceived, this at a time when he’s seeking to find his identity:

They think I say I’m black when I say Jamaican British
but the English boys at school made me choose: Jamaican, British?

Half-caste, half mule, house slave – Jamaican British.
Light skin, straight male, privileged – Jamaican British. (p. 25)

Then there is Dear Hearing World, an absolutely stunning piece of writing that looks at the social treatment of deafness in general. It may prove very validating. From page 37:

I call you out for refusing to acknowledge
sign language in classrooms, for assessing
deaf students on what they can’t say
instead of what they can, […]

Miami Airport, a poem full of white space that tells you everything else the words themselves do not, is based around a particularly alarming case of ‘you don’t look deaf’ whilst the redaction and response to Ted Hughes’ poem about a school for deaf children is profound as much for the redaction (it deletes Hughes’ poem in its entirety) as it is for Antrobus’ response where the present-day poet looks at Hughes’ lack of ability to see the students, both literally and metaphorically, taking away from Hughes both a human sense and his wholly inaccurate interpretation. (You don’t have to have read Hughes’ poem to understand Antrobus’ response, though you may wish to.)

There are no half measures in this collection, and just as important as the words and language are the line breaks and that use of white space, the emptiness often saying just as much as the words.

The Perseverance is just incredible. I can’t recommend it enough.

I received this book for review; the book is on the 2019 Young Writer of the Year shortlist.

Sarah Howe – Loop Of Jade

Book Cover

Figuring out the past. Concerning the present.

Publisher: Chatto & Windus (Random House)
Pages: 60
Type: Poetry
Age: Adult
ISBN: 978-0-701-18869-6
First Published: 7th May 2015
Date Reviewed: 21st November 2015
Rating: 5/5

I’ve never reviewed a book of poetry before, never reviewed a poem at all. As you may know I’m not a big reader of them – technically I like them a lot, the words, phrasing, beauty – but they often confuse me.

I’m giving it a go this time; Howe’s poetry is on the short-list for the Young Writer Of The Year award and having heard the poet read one of them herself, being able to hear her voice in my head and knowing when to pause, helped me a lot.

So, then, Howe’s collection is about her mother’s early life in China as an unwanted and later adopted girl. It’s about Howe’s own experiences as a young child in Hong Kong before the family moved to Britain. It’s a bit about politics, a bit about history, and a bit about Howe’s relationship with her husband. Many of the poems are also based around the divisions of animals as proposed by Dr Franz Kuhn. (The descriptions are included before the poetry begins.)

And whilst some of it flew over my head, I can still say it’s incredible. Howe makes use of various styles. She writes in one-word lines, she writes in a sort of way that echoes prose more than poetry, she uses long sentences, short ones, indented lines. The style that’s most compelling is the one used in the title poem. This is a poem wherein she’s listening to her mother talk about her life and near the end she writes as her mother speaks, using white space between words and phrases to show where her mother is pausing. You get a really good sense of how this conversation played out in reality.

Howe’s written voice moves through perspectives. She often writes from a distance, the third person. Sometimes she writes in the first; but the best times are when she questions the audience directly, or questions herself, or speaks in a particularly intimate way that defies description. It’s really lovely and makes you feel as though you’re privy to something special.

One of the standouts is Tame – hard-hitting, excellent. This is a poem in which Howe uses a quotation about how it’s better to raise geese than a girl as her base and works a fairy tale from it, dark, brutal ending and all. She wraps around the subject, coming full circle. Another is Innumerable wherein Howe remembers going on a day out around the time of Tiananmen; she contrasts the two and brings them together to show how things can be swept under the literal rug but not really.

About half the poems are stories, the other half tiny glimpses. The glimpses work well, you need to keep your wits about you to discover their true meaning.

The writing is quite flowery as you would expect, and very, very literary. Howe’s writing may require you to use a dictionary and you do have to pause sometimes, more than you usually would, to really make sense of what she’s saying – sort of the first step in the discovery program.

It’s a brilliant collection which I can confidently rate top marks even though I didn’t get it all.

I received this book at the Young Writer of the Year award blogger event.

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