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Reading Life: 22nd April 2015

A macro photograph of the side of a blossom

I want to take a moment today to reflect on my current reading. Having spent March getting through a lot of literary fiction I inevitably found myself not wanting to read so much by early April. A big part was due, and is still due, to the incredible weather we’re having – it’s practically summer here and we’ve had only a few drops of rain amongst three weeks of cloudless days – and school holidays; I’ve been out quite a bit. The other part was the slump.

As said, inevitable, expected. I enjoyed my literary fiction roll but it was going to happen some time no matter how good the books were. I let the slump take over and read nothing for a week or so before it occurred to me to try lighter fare. I pulled up the last two Shannon Stacey contemporary romances on my ereader and chugged through them. Predictable light reads, they kept the slump at bay.

I’ve now moved on (and back) to Eloisa James’s Desperate Duchesses series. I’m reading Duchess By Night. It got straight to the comedy, beginning with a court scene in which Harriet, the widow of the series, is presiding for a judge who is always drunk and falling back on ‘hard labour!’ as punishment for everything. It reminds me a little of Father Ted, albeit that it’s very different. There’s also been fancy dress featuring stuffed geese and the subtitles for the chapters are pretty awesome. This book’s a bit longer than the Staceys but I’ve no doubt I’ll get through it quickly enough. Hopefully this will help me start sailing through my ARCs again.

I’m feeling inspired by my reading and I spent an early Saturday morning outside reading the first couple of chapters of Pride And Prejudice. For me, warm sunshine plus morning necessitates Jane Austen read outside. Perhaps it’s the way the scenes are written but it’s a match as perfect as tea and scones.

I’ve finally added Red Earth Pouring Rain to my reading whiteboard after years of owning the book (I really don’t want to write ‘rain’ at the moment!) It’s one I put on my list some time ago but my initial preview suggested it might not be for me regardless of the fact it’s about a country I love reading about.

I need to end on an unfortunate note, I’m afraid. I could really do with your advice and hearing about experiences if you’ve experienced similar. Each time I read a book I find a minimum of one booklouse; I first noticed them last summer. I didn’t even know such a thing existed prior to moving; they must either have entered via the packing boxes or they’ve been in the house from the start. I’ve read they eat the glue in book bindings so obviously I’m rather worried. I’ve seen the critters on the walls as well, though they are mostly confined to the books. I’ve read about dehumidifiers (apparently they eat up electricity), keeping plants outside, and getting out the chemicals as a last resort. Any suggestions? Our house can be humid (poor bathroom ventilation) and I’m not sure how much we can do. I sort of wish I could pack all the books up and send them to a storage centre with no humidity. I daren’t lend anyone anything.

So, two questions: what have you been reading and what have you liked/disliked about it? And what do I do about the booklice?

Edited to add: I’ll be taking part in the Readathon this Saturday as both a reader and a cheerleader, though I’ll be spending more time cheerleading. I’ve come to realise over these last years that a set reading time whilst there’s lots of chatter going on doesn’t work too well for me, so more cheerleading is perfect.



April 22, 2015, 2:44 pm

I am pleased you have been able to keep the slump at bay with some go-to comfort genres. I have been under the weather recently so I have also been going for comfort reads which in my case is re-reads and fantasy. Just finished The Wanderers by Cheryl Mahoney which I loved and I’ve not long started Mort by Terry Pratchett.
I’m sorry I’ve never had booklice so can’t offer any advice. I just hope you find a way to get rid of them soon.


April 22, 2015, 7:47 pm

Mothballs, lavender oil, and cedar chips are good ways to get rid of “booklice” which I think we call “silverfish” in the US.

Jenny @ Reading the End

April 23, 2015, 1:46 am

Oh God, if book lice are the same as silverfish, I’m shuddering at the very notion. I hate those wriggly bastards. I don’t have any advice, but I send many many good wishes for you to be able to rid yourself of them as soon as possible.

I need to read some Eloise James books! I always hear good things about her, and I don’t think I’ve read a single thing by her so far.



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