Readathon October 2012 – Forget The Busy-Ness, I’m Joining In
Posted 13th October 2012
Category: Challenges Genres: N/A
I really, really, want to take part today/tomorrow (it falls between Saturday and Sunday UK time), though as I told Alex, my boyfriend is over and I haven’t seen him this week. However as much as I want to see him I do want to take part, so I’ve signed up with 1 hour and 30 minutes before the starting time and if nothing else I will be reading late this evening and tomorrow morning.
I know that joining this late means no cheerleaders for me but it’s the reading that’s the reason for taking part and I missed not doing so last time. I’ll be reading The Black Count by Tom Reiss because it needs finishing quickly and I haven’t read much this last week. If I manage to finish it I’ll be moving on to one of the self-pubs I have for review.
October 13, 2012, 11:06 am
You referred to the self-pubs before. I’m a bit hesitant when it comes to those and therefore extra curious about the ones you’ll be reading.
No pressure reading 24h, apparently many people are joining for only a short spell. The most important part of it is enjoying the ride :)
October 13, 2012, 9:09 pm
Good luck! I haven’t joined a readathon yet, but maybe next time.
October 14, 2012, 12:21 am
Ooh I’m glad you joined even at the last minute! Hope you are enjoying it!
October 14, 2012, 8:47 am
Never fear, your cheerleader is here! :) Hope you’re getting some great reading done–keep it up!
I really want to read The Black Count, so I hope you enjoy that one.
Let’s go readers
Let’s go! (clap clap)
October 15, 2012, 10:41 pm
I’m so curious about The Black Count! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it
Comments closed
Allison (Allure of Books)
October 13, 2012, 10:55 am
You can still get plenty of support, just keep up with the #readathon tag on twitter, no worries on how late you sign up :)
good luck reading The Black Count! I now have that on my TBR pile, but I’m sticking with some shorter, quicker reads for the readathon.