Readathon April 2013
Posted 27th April 2013
Category: Challenges Genres: N/A
So I’m doing it again, signing up late because Saturday is boyfriend day (and the weather is forecast nice for a change) but signing up regardless because as always I really want to join in. And I have a massive pile of books that I’ll like to make a dent in. This year I’m taking a leaf from Alex’s book and starting early, in the morning, whereas the official start falls at 1pm. In fact as soon as I’ve posted this I’ll be reading.
I finished a book yesterday so it’ll be brand new stories. I’ll be beginning with Jeanne Ray’s Calling Invisible Women because it’s short, likely quite light, and I should really have already read it. I may not get through more than one book, but then I’m a slow reader anyway so that’s not so bad. I’m actually sitting here on five hours sleep so that might possibly end up being the biggest issue. I’ll be updating this post rather than posting any more.
So, at 9am, 4 hours before the starting point and whilst my boyfriend is still asleep, I’m going to get to it. Best of luck, everyone!
Update at 3:23 hours into the official times
It’s now 4:23pm here. After I posted this post (the above section) I read for half an hour and then my boyfriend and I went for breakfast. I read again while he had the car cleaned and did a bit of shopping and then we spent a few hours at home. I picked up reading again for 30 or so pages and in a minute we’re going to go for dinner. I’m taking the camera so I can add a bit more interest to this page. I’m really loving this book, and the font size is brilliant for making you feel you’re getting through it. Can you tell I’m writing this in a rush? Pages read: 70/246
Update at 11 hours
Had dinner in the cold and rain, read a bit more. Going to go to bed and read more tomorrow. Pages read: 91/246
Update at 21 hours
Had breakfast, started reading.
I read until an hour after the readathon ended and finished the book. Whilst it started well it quickly divulged into the unrealistic, further than the idea of invisibility, and I’m glad this particular book is over so I can read a better one. I didn’t read much this readathon, but I know if I hadn’t tried or signed up at all, I wouldn’t have read anything yesterday at all. One book more for this month is very welcome and therefore I feel it’s been a success. Pages read: all of them.
April 27, 2013, 12:28 pm
I’ve never done a readathon – much less a 24 hour one – good luck and I hope you enjoy your reads :-)
April 27, 2013, 3:07 pm
Here to cheer!
Hope you’re having a great time with the readthon! Good luck and happy reading :)
April 27, 2013, 3:35 pm
I have still not read Calling Invisible Women. I started it and found it a bit too weird for me — I really prefer Jeanne Ray in something like Eat Cake, which is extremely sweet.
April 27, 2013, 5:40 pm
You’re doing great, and your stack of books looks really scrumptious. I’m also reading, and I’ve got a book of short stories I hope to get to.
April 28, 2013, 1:51 am
I hope you enjoyed day 1 of your readathon. Best of luck with your reading goals in the morning!
April 28, 2013, 3:41 am
I didn’t think I’d have time for the readathon, but I should have done it because I ended up spending most of the day at home. I did finish a large chunk of The Enchanted April and can’t wait to read the rest tomorrow.
April 28, 2013, 5:34 am
Making the rounds to see what my fave readers are reading :) I see I’ve missed you, whoops! Sweet dreams :)
April 28, 2013, 11:57 am
I’ve read a couple of Jeanne Ray’s other books, but hadn’t even heard of this one. Looking forward to your review! I didn’t sign up for the readathon, but I did finish one book yesterday and almost finish another.
April 28, 2013, 9:26 pm
I’ve never read for the readathon, only cheered, but I think I just might next time. I think you did a great job – congratulations on a wonderful readerthon!
April 29, 2013, 5:27 pm
I hate it when a book begins wonderfully, is thoroughly gripping and then suddenly goes completely downhill – so disappointing.
Once again, as with last year, I forgot to pay attention to this happening. Ah well, there is always next year!
Comments closed
April 27, 2013, 12:09 pm
I’ve never done it. I’m too antsy! But it sounds like a sleeping boyfriend is a good incentive! Good luck!