Possession Is Nine Tenth’s Of The Book
Posted 23rd September 2010
Category: Chit-Chat Genres: N/A
What’s the most used building-related item in books?
Wrought iron gates.
Most recently the user is Molly Roe for Call Me Kate. Another Kate, Lauren Kate, went even further for Fallen describing hers as “overly wrought iron gates”. Perhaps she was trying to make up for all the content she stole from Twilight.
But yes, wrought iron gates are de rigour in books, they are everywhere. They are so popular I wouldn’t be surprised if characters start coming across them in groups or spotting whole museums dedicated to them.
Chairs, tables, lighting – these are always used, but they are particularly regular items. Wrought iron gates aren’t just iron gates, they are wrought. And all too noticeable.
If you ever think you’re dreaming as Mr Darcy swans over to you, probably looking like Colin Firth and thus with an expression of deja vu on his face, don’t pinch yourself – look for the gates.
September 25, 2010, 12:22 pm
I obviously need to pay more attention to the type of gate used in a story ;) But yes, I think wrought iron gates are so easy and convenient to use for most writers, especially since they will be considered atmospheric?
Charlie: I think you’re right there, and they are often black too!
September 26, 2010, 5:10 pm
I love it! So true. They’re rather versatile, wrought iron gates. They can be romantic, historic, creepy, foreboding, imposing, intriguing… okay, I’m getting carried away. Not that I condone the overuse of such gates, but…I guess I can see why they’re so often employed!
Charlie: Oh definitely, they can mean many things. In that way weather is a brilliant additional plot device!
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September 23, 2010, 9:39 pm
Ha! Wrought iron gates do seem to provide a barricade in many, many books I’ve read. Well spotted.
Charlie: Yeah, I think this evening’s book is about the tenth in the last year or so that I’ve read to use it.