Operation Alex Bell: Introduction
Posted 8th August 2010
Category: Operation Alex Bell Genres: N/A
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Having read Alex Bell’s three books and having an absolute blast I feel the need to promote her work. By the end of the next month or so I aim to review each of Alex’s books and host a giveaway, and hopefully a couple of other things that need to be worked on first.
Alex Bell is a British author from the south. Her first book, The Ninth Circle, was published in 2008 when she was just 20, but it wasn’t the first book she’d written. She envisaged that her comical fantasy would’ve been the first to be sent off to the printing press but it seemed the publishers were having none of it because comic fantasy is by an author whose surname is Pratchett. While flawed in their conclusions (I can think of at least one other popular comic fantasy writer), Alex was sent back to the drawing – or should that be writing? – board and instructed to create something more serious. This she did, an adult fantasy revolving around the idea of the apocalypse, and off to the printers it went. Jasmyn was released a year after and then a new comic fantasy, Lex Trent Versus The Gods was given a home and released this year.
So Alex has released three books but as far as I can gather knowledge is not wide-spread. I want to help change that.
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August 9, 2010, 5:31 pm
Sounds interesting! I had never heard of the author, but I am looking forward to being introduced to her works through you.