March 2018 Reading Round Up
Posted 2nd April 2018
Category: Round-Ups Genres: N/A
Snow when everything should be growing; the pre-Easter days; it’s been a funny March. On the first, minor, snow day there seemed to be a collective decision across the city to use bin lids to scoop up what little snow there was in an attempt to make snowballs. It didn’t work, so it was quite nice to have the second patch of days where there was more of it. It was actually kind of nice being stuck inside on the days of ice, forced to do housework or hobbies. Britain doesn’t really know how to ‘do’ snow, particularly the south, so everything kind of stops. My rosemary plant shrugged and carried on flowering; the garlics have formed a support group.
I had a minor reading celebration a few days ago when I reached 75% of the way through Emmeline. The book has got better but still, I’m looking forward to finishing it. March was a month wherein a read a fair amount but much of it was tied up in the tome.
All books are works of fiction.
The Books
Dorthe Nors: Karate Chop – A collection of very short stories that each have some level of creepy/menacing atmosphere to them. Pretty good; some are stellar.
Nicolai Houm: The Gradual Disappearance Of Jane Ashland – A woman wakes up in a tent in a Norwegian National Park, knowing how she got there; scenes from the past couple of months show how she came to be in such a place. This is a novel about grief rather than a thriller – though it has an element of that – and a very good one at that.
The Nors was good but the Houm was better. As it happened both were review copies from the same publisher; it’s been a Pushkin Press, Scandinavian translated fiction month.
I’m not yet sure what I’ll be reading once I’ve finished Emmeline – I’m in a bit of a classics phase and it’s somewhat accidental. I’ve been looking at the remaining Charlottes on my list – Yonge and Lennox – and may continue from there, but I downloaded Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko recently, and kind of want to read that. Has anyone read her work?
What happens where you live on snow days? Or, if you don’t get snow days, what happens when you have unexpected weather, whatever that means where you are?
April 2, 2018, 10:25 pm
While the snow did settle and block side roads here, most of the main roads cleared quite quickly. Although with how the shops ran out of bread and milk you’d have thought the next ice age was coming :-P
April 3, 2018, 2:41 pm
I’m sorry about your garden, but reading your words made me giggle.
Happy April!
Comments closed
April 2, 2018, 8:33 pm
We tend to get ice or freezing rain more often than snow and aren’t really equipped to handle any of it. At the first mention of snow/ice, the local shelves are cleared of bread, milk, etc.
Unfortunately, we’re heading into tornado season (though that can really happen any time of the year).