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Long-Awaited Reads Month 2014

I was delighted one morning to read that Iris and Ana had decided to repeat January’s Long-Awaited Reads Month, making the new date next year. Although last time I was initially hesitant about joining because I had so many books already to read that month, it turned out to be a success and I found one of my top reads of this current year because I joined in. (Indeed I may have ended up reading Shanghai Girls anyway as it had been on my shelves for a few years, but the question is when?)

So here I officially state my intent, and some books.

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Emma Henderson: Grace Williams Says It Loud – I’ve not had this book all that long, but I really wanted it when I got it and just haven’t got around to reading it.

Irène Némirovsky: Suite Française – The tiny print has scared me off this one, otherwise I’m interested.

Anna Karenina – It was accidentally coming across a major spoiler than made me put it on the back burner. Before that I had been incredibly excited about it. I still am to some extent, but that spoiler was, as said, major, and I find I enjoy classics so much more when I know nothing about the story.

Vikram Chandra: Red Earth And Pouring Rain – Now on my shelves for about four years. This was a random purchase at the time which I know accounts for the fact I’ve left it sitting there.

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And that’s it. It’s a short list because I have other books to read in January and because I know that listing many will pile on the pressure and lead to me not reading anything. Therefore I might end up reading a/some books that aren’t on this list. Oh, and can we pretend that the Némirovsky and Chandra weren’t on last year’s list?

Have you read any of these books? And will you be joining us?


Jenny @ Reading the End

November 15, 2013, 1:37 am

I’m trying to think what books I’ve had for a while and haven’t gotten around to reading! I want to participate in this event. Just have to nail down the specifics.


November 15, 2013, 9:19 am

Lovely to have you join! And that’s a great list. I read Suite Francaise a few months ago and it is a very interesting read. I enjoyed it. It actually mirrors War and Peace in some ways, which I found interesting. As for Grace Henderson.. the book received so much praise, but I’m afraid I didn’t think it that particularly special. Still a good read though.
O, oh, was I the one who spoiled Anna Karenina? Because I went around real life friends telling them the ending when we went to see the movie because I believed everyone knew. Turned out that wasn’t true. That went around more friends to check whether they knew, and the same thing happened :/


November 15, 2013, 5:52 pm

I have the same problem with Suite Francais! I want to read it, but goodness me, it looks long with that tiny print.


November 18, 2013, 5:45 pm

Good luck with your list! I’m really tempted to take part in this too but will have to see how much time I have.

Melinda @ The Book Musings

November 19, 2013, 1:33 pm

Anna Karenina is something that I also want to read. I love the classics, or at least some of them!

Christine @Buckling Bookshelves

November 21, 2013, 5:42 pm

What a great idea for an event! I tend toward year long challenges as a month never seems long enough for me to accomplish much in addition to whatever else I might want to read, but good luck :)



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