Latest Acquistions (Christmas – January 2015)
Posted 12th January 2015
Category: Acquisitions Genres: N/A
Last year I got quite a few books for Christmas so I don’t feel ‘strange’ as a reader not asking or receiving so many this year. Whilst it’s not a goal per se, I’m considering accepting more review copies this year; so far it’s a fair beginning.
Jane Austen: Mansfield Park – The other edition I have of this book was acquired purely because I had already spent a while looking for this, Vintage, edition to no avail and wanted to read the story. This copy now completes my collection.
Elizabeth Chadwick: The Winter Crown – Author; check; first book was excellent; check.
Helen Lederer: Losing It – I attended the pre-publication party, which I’ll be posting about on Wednesday, and will be reviewing this later this month/early February.
Xiaolu Guo: I Am China – I’ve scanned the blurb only briefly; it was the author and the overall look of the book that caught my eye. Yep – not much of an idea what it’s about but very much looking forward to reading it.
Did you get any books over the holidays?
vicki (skiourophile / bibliolathas)
January 12, 2015, 9:16 am
I mostly bought books for myself over the break, but was the happy recipient of two lovely books on Australian history from a friend who knows that I want to read more non-fiction and Australian content. A nice surprise indeed.
January 12, 2015, 1:59 pm
I only got “The luminaries” (the Spanish edition) for Christmas, so consider yourself very lucky :P
I didn’t know any of them (except for Jane Austen, of course), and they look good.
January 12, 2015, 9:49 pm
Sadly I didn’t get any books for Christmas. I hope you enjoy your new books.
January 13, 2015, 12:44 am
I always buy a bunch of books just before and after Christmas and then slow down as the year progresses… This year was less than last year, but still a good assortment. Enjoy your new books!
January 14, 2015, 4:47 pm
There’s not much more satisfying that completing a bookish collection. I love MP, as you know, so I’m pleased to see you got it.
January 14, 2015, 5:34 pm
Nice cover of the MP edition you got. I like MP, sometimes more than others, but overall a thumbs up. The Winter Crown is very appealing, at least judging the book by the cover.
I actually did receive a number of books this year–I’m most excited about The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop as books about books seem to be hitting me right right now.
January 16, 2015, 5:42 pm
JaneGS: The Winter Crown’s cover is nice, though they’ve changed the style so the first book doesn’t look like it’s in the series :( I like the title of ‘Yellow!
Alice: That, yes, completion. And though I didn’t love it (though certainly appreciated it) I am very glad to have this copy.
Kailana: That’s a fair idea, quite fine if it’s once a year. Glad you’ve some good books ahead!
Jessica: Been there. I think if none have been asked for or you’ve not shown any interest that’s fine, otherwise it does feel a bit odd. (Nothing to moan about of course, gifts are nice, but yes, odd.)
Isi: Ahh, but then that is apparently a good book :) I’m hoping they are!
Vicki: Those sound lovely. And very interesting to me who knows little.
Maryom: That’s a pity; it would’ve been good to meet you. Next time :)
Comments closed
January 12, 2015, 8:50 am
I’m very jealous that you went to the Helen Lederer launch! I had an invite but couldn’t get :(