Latest Acquisitions (May – June 2015)
Posted 26th June 2015
Category: Acquisitions Genres: N/A
Several today; I’m not sure where I’ll find the time, but it’ll happen.
Amita Trasi: The Color Of Our Sky – I admit this was a bit of an impulse decision; nice cover, Indian setting, front page of NetGalley. I’ve started it and it’s okay but there’s a fair amount of effort being expended to remind you that it’s set in India.
Angela Thirkell: The Brandons – I’ve read about this series, it sounds good, and I want to read more fiction from this period. I’m aware this is halfway through the series but from what I can ascertain, this shouldn’t matter. (Please correct me if that’s wrong!)
F Scott Fitzgerald: Tender Is The Night – It’s been too long since I read The Great Gatsby and watching Midnight In Paris recently I felt I had to read it soon.
Georges Simenon: The Late Monsieur Gallet – This one’s rather obvious. Looking forward to it.
Julia Stoneham: Evie – One of those random choices. I’ve since found out it’s the last book in a series…
Julie Kagawa: Talon – The Iron Fey may have its issues but I find Kagawa’s style easy to read and compelling.
What have you acquired/bought/borrowed recently?
June 26, 2015, 7:30 pm
I hope you enjoy your new books! I’m not really a Fitzgerald fan but I have read Tender is the Night and thought it was beautifully written. Angela Thirkell is on my list of authors to try at some point.
June 26, 2015, 10:15 pm
I loved Midnight in Paris, and so far have read 3 of Fitzgerald’s novels. Sadly I haven’t loved them because I have found almost impossible to like any of the characters. However I did feel some sympathy for some of the characters in Tender is the Night. I hope you enjoy your new books. Recently I have mainly acquired classics for my Classics Club reading.
June 28, 2015, 9:10 pm
I’ve not bought any recently, I’m waiting for my birthday (I need to resign myself to the fact I’m one of those awful people who try not to mention their birthday and then just end up going on about it) later in July.
I look forward to how you find Tender is the Night. I’ve put off reading more Fitzgerald in fear of disliking it. Silly really.
June 29, 2015, 1:11 am
I remember almost nothing about Midnight in Paris except that the guy they had playing Hemingway was inspired. Didn’t Tom Hiddleston play F. Scott Fitzgerald? I feel like I saw that movie before I fully knew who Tom Hiddleston was, so I don’t remember that performance particularly.
June 30, 2015, 5:16 am
Talon is in my to-read list. I’m in a bit of a reading slump, though, so nothing’s really looking too good to me right now. :(
July 21, 2015, 10:28 am
Tracy: Perfectly acceptable ;)
Helen: Yes; I’m not sure it’ll be my favourite, but Tender is proving okay so far. Thirkell I heartily recommend.
Jessica: Yes, that’s an excellent film. I think appreciating can be just as good as straight out liking, especially when the characters are difficult. I’m getting the feeling I won’t like many of the characters in this – already there’s not much to reccommend them, but if the writing’s anything like Gatsby that’s fine.
Alice: Hehe, not worries! I’m similar – I really wanted to read Tender Is The Night and have started it, but I enjoyed Gatsby so much I’ve put it down for a while whilst I finish other books; Tender just hasn’t grabbed me.
Jenny: Yes, that was Hiddleston, and I think it would’ve been one of his first films so you not knowing who he was makes sense.
Belle: Same here for a while, though things are looking up now.
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Tracy Terry
June 26, 2015, 3:06 pm
Great selection. Apart from F.Scott Fitzgerald who I have of course heard of these are all new authors/books to me.