Latest Acquisitions (August – October 2013)
Posted 16th October 2013
Category: Acquisitions Genres: N/A
I know, it’s been a while! Given that I had many pitches over the summer I’ve accepted very few recently, but I knew I’d have less time due to the amazing sun we had, and to read some older books as well, so that’s also played a part. Indeed two of these books were unsolicited so I accepted fewer than it may seem. Incidentally, something I noticed when I previewed this post – it’s a washout! So little colour on the covers this time around. I feel the need to apologise for this post being visually dull.
Debbie Dee: Tiy And The Prince Egypt – A case of being there at the right time, I noticed this book was the subject of an upcoming tour and having read and enjoyed Dee’s previous books I signed up. This is a middle-grade book (not the term we’d use in Britain but I think it’s the best way to describe it) and my current read; it’s taken a while to adjust my adult-and-YA reading mindset!
Kay Kenyon: A Thousand Perfect Things – The publishers of this new digital press are looking to work with bloggers and this book was one I knew I could get behind. With thanks to Jennifer of Books, Personally.
Kimberly S Young: The Eighth Wonder – This could go either way, as I see it, in that it could easily be either heavy-going book or light. I like the sound of the story but have to say that this time the cover was the bigger reason for accepting.
Koren Zailckas: Mother, Mother – This came unsolicited but it sounds good and I’ll likely get to it in the near future.
Matthew D Lieberman: Social – It’s science and it’s about connections, and whilst it may not be the same as Quiet, anything that is at all related gets my vote.
Sean B Carroll: Brave Genius – Science, philosophy, and a Nobel Prize. Should be pretty interesting given the mix of subjects!
Tom Kizzia: Pilgrim’s Wilderness – I blame The Snow Child as I’m not sure I would’ve been interested in reading about Alaska before. That said the subject is interesting overall and the time I expect to get to it will be the perfect time, because I much as I now know Alaska gets a bright summer, it’s still synonymous with ‘cold’ to me.
Melissa Marr and Tim Pratt (ed.) – Rags & Bones – I reckon the publicist who sent this to me has a good idea of my interests; I think I may have scared my Dad with my excitement. An anthology of stories by some top authors, including Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, and Kami Garcia (those are the ones highlighted on the cover). Melissa Marr has edited it. That, together with the subject matter means that by all accounts it should be excellent.
So not much this time, but I have many others to read from previous months. And I like that there’s a minor leaning towards science here. My favourite teacher of three teachers (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) would be delighted. I’ve not yet reviewed a book by several authors that had more than one editor, so I haven’t the foggiest how I’m going to categorise Rags & Bones. I’d better get cracking.
What have you received/bought/borrowed in the last month?
October 16, 2013, 2:44 pm
I see what you mean about a lot of these books not having a varied assortment of covers/colours! We’ve both managed to both about new books today :-)
October 17, 2013, 11:22 am
That’s a real assortment! Social sounds like it could be very interesting (I really enjoyed Quiet – endlessly fascinating topic), and how cool about the anthology. Thanks for the shout out on the Kay Kenyon book- look forward to hearing your thoughts about it!
October 17, 2013, 12:38 pm
I’m finally getting to The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt which I received ages ago. It’s huge! I was really impressed by the Melissa Marr books that I’ve read, but I haven’t kept up with YA reading lately, at all. I’ve been eyeing Mother, Mother, but not sure yet if I want to read it. Enjoy!
October 17, 2013, 5:41 pm
Social sounds very interesting!
I don’t think this page is visually dull, the covers look quite lovely – covers are always hit and miss I find.
I’ve done nothing but hawl since my last blog on the matter, my most recent being the Patrick Melrose series.
October 22, 2013, 12:35 am
Ooh I love the look of Rags & Bones – definitely adding that to my reading list.
November 1, 2013, 12:15 pm
Jennifer (Relentless Reader): Having just finished it I can say I agree with you, it was very good.
Jessica: I noticed that, kind of spooky! Yes, until Rags & Bones showed up it was very pale.
Jennifer (Books, Personally): Quiet was what made me opt for Social. I know it’s not the same but it sounds it’s as near as. I’m trying my best to hold out on the Kenyon – it’s the one I most want to read but I’ve others I have to read first.
Laurie: I’ve never read Donna Tartt but lengthy books is one thing I do know about her! It’s ironic actually, I’ve been looking at Wicked Lovely for ages, but here I am reading a different work of hers. Yes, that’s my feeling on Mother, Mother. It sounds very good but I think it’s going to require a certain mood to read it.
Alice: I’m hoping to read it next so hopefully I’ll have a review up soon. That’s true, they are good covers, I suppose my colour-loving self is playing a big part here. I felt I should know that name so I looked it up and realised it was your post that introduced him to me. Not my brightest moment!
Tanya: I expect you’d love it :)
Comments closed
October 16, 2013, 2:30 pm
Pilgrim’s Wilderness is a great book! I hope you enjoy it :D