Knightshayes Gardens
Posted 12th November 2014
Category: Photo Posts Genres: N/A
You aren’t allowed to take photographs in the house at Knightshayes and cannot see much of it, so I recommend you take this into consideration before deciding to make a day of it. This said, what you can see of the house is magnificent, and not dissimilar to Cardiff Castle. Due to the weather I used a filter on my camera a few times in order that my photos be more reflective of how the place truly looks; the gardens are wonderful.
Have you been to any gardens recently?
November 12, 2014, 12:25 pm
How do you get no people in your photos? Lovely shots! Are people living in the house, so it’s not all open to the public?
November 14, 2014, 5:31 pm
Another beautiful place I hadn’t heard of before. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. I particularly love the butterfly and robin photos.
November 14, 2014, 10:58 pm
I love when you post photos of your trips to historic places! They’re so pretty. I hope you keep it up :-)
November 17, 2014, 12:53 pm
Alice: It tends to be in batches; there are plenty of sleep-in weekends. Oh, do. Just remember to check websites first, especially in winter.
Laurie: Patience. I also try to take them in ‘gaps’ of people and there are times when you have to change the angle; many times the photos here aren’t the ones I would’ve preferred to take. If there’s no way to get around it I’ll at least wait until the people have walked further away or aren’t facing the camera.
Jessica: You’re welcome. There were many butterflies there and close up so I ‘had’ to take a few. The robin was great, obviously used to people, he stayed there a while.
Aarti: Glad you like them; I plan to :)
November 18, 2014, 4:07 pm
Wow, how beautiful! Those are some really great pictures!
Comments closed
November 12, 2014, 11:31 am
You always visit such beautiful places, you make such good use of your spare time. While you were doing this I was probably taking a day long nap XD
This is a wonderful reminder that I need to get out more to see pretty places.