July 2016 Reading Round-Up
Posted 1st August 2016
Category: Round-Ups Genres: N/A
I read a good amount this month. As you’ll know from last week’s post, and perhaps also Twitter, I was quite busy the last several days of the month so I haven’t yet finished Climbing Days but whenever I have had time I’ve been reading many pages, thanks mostly to the engrossing nature of it.
All books are works of fiction.
The Books
Ashley Stokes (ed.): The End – A collection of short stories inspired by artworks that recreate the old film ‘the end’ frames. Some great fiction here.
Jonathan Ames: You Were Never Really Here – An ex-security agent continues his work for other people and takes on the task of finding the kidnapped daughter of a politician. A novelette; fast-paced, no filler content, couple of hours of reading at most, but the story doesn’t really end.
Louisa Young: The Heroes’ Welcome – Two men who suffered injuries in the war (one mental one physical) return home to their wife and girlfriend who have been affected by proxy. Could’ve been better.
Midge Raymond: My Last Continent – A cruise ship is heading a little too much towards Antarctica and Deb knows that lover Keller may be on board. A good book about a titanic-like shipwreck with lots of information about Antarctica and what we need to do to save it.
Olumide Popoola and Annie Holmes: breach – A collection of short stories inspired by the current refugee camp in Calais. Timely.
Rick Yancey: The 5th Wave – Humans are being wiped out by aliens that are yet to land – or have they already? Strictly okay – I chose to read this because I loved Yancey’s short story in Rags & Bones but it fell very short of expectations.
S J Watson: Before I Go To Sleep – A woman wakes up one morning confused by the stranger in bed beside her, the age of her reflection in the mirror, and an acute sense of disorientation. So good.
My favourite would have to be Before I Go To Sleep; fast-paced until near the end wherein the only reason it’s slow is because you’ve exhausted the possibilities and thus are at that time simply waiting to find out which one it is. I’m not sure I’ll watch the film – I read they changed a lot, is that true? – but I’ll be reading S J Watson’s Second Life at some point. breach was another stand out, though in fact the only book I didn’t enjoy so much was The 5th Wave; I’d hoped it’d be so much more than it was and thought it was a standalone. I won’t be continuing the series in a hurry.
Quotation Report
None this time.
Last month of summer; sad, but I’m hoping to see more of my nephew and enjoy the last sunny evenings.
How has your summer been so far, or, if you’re in the southern hemisphere, how is winter treating you?
August 4, 2016, 12:37 am
Oh man, I could not be more excited for summer to be over. I’m ready for my bus to get back on its regular schedule, and I am THE MOST ready for this ridiculous heat to back off. I miss being able to walk to stores and things. SCREW YOU AUGUST.
Comments closed
August 1, 2016, 3:07 pm
My summer has felt a little chaotic but since breaking up for the long summer holiday, I have been able to relax and have seen my reading increase too. I hope the last month of summer is good for you and you enjoy lots of books.