In Search Of Guest Bloggers
Posted 30th January 2011
Category: The Worm Hole Genres: N/A
1 Comment
February is going to be a busy month for me, with a few birthdays coming up and the start of a difficult part of my course. I try to blog once every three days but recently I haven’t had as much time to sit down and think about what to write about, baring reviews. So I thought I would turn to other bloggers for help.
I’m looking for a few people who might be interested in writing a post about the world they would most like to live in – that world being taken from a book, of course. This would be the world you’d most like to live in as yourself rather than as a character, and isn’t restricted to fantasy. You could describe why you’ve chosen it or tell a short story from the perspective (a sort of fan fiction, I suppose), it’s up to you really. The main points would of course be to illustrate your passion and to ignite an interest for the book in others.
If you’d like to be a guest blogger, let me know in the comments and I’ll contact you with a list of days to choose from.
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February 1, 2011, 1:27 am
Gosh, I’ve never really thought about that! I’m going to have to go stare at my shelves and think for a while. February is pretty full for me, too, but I’ll think a bit and let you know if I’ll be able to apply. I think this is a very cool idea!
Charlie: Is it sad that I’ve thought of it quite a bit through the years? It’s usually some history thing though, so I guess I could say it’s not as bad as it sounds… No worries, if you can that’d be great but your schedule is busier than mine, I know :)