First Half Of 2017 Film Round-Up
Posted 7th July 2017
Category: Film Genres: N/A
These past months, I’ve spent most of my screen time watching TV shows, or, rather, one TV show. I’m loving Parks & Recreation but there is a lot of it to get through. The natural casualty has been films – I have been reading a good amount; screen time is pretty low overall. I’m on series 6 now and whilst there are some other shows I’m planning to watch they’re a lot shorter and, I expect, not as addictive. I will, however, not be setting any film goals. I’m wondering if saying, at year’s end, that my next year’s film resolution is to ‘watch as many as I comfortably can’, as I have in regards to reading and books, would be best.
Independence Day: Resurgence (USA, 2016) – Is it really 20 years since Will Smith fought aliens? This follow up is good if technically unnecessary. It’s the only film other than the Hunger Games trilogy/quartet in which I’ve seen Liam Hemsworth, so I might have been watching Gale go after extraterrestrials…
Mirror Mirror (USA, 2011) – The second of the two Snow White movies of 2011; I’d wanted to see both and now have. This one’s a lot lighter than Snow White And The Huntsman, and the first half stays fairly closely to the storyline. It does lose its way in the second half, gets a bit too silly, but the Bollywood-esque item number at the end is awesome.
Some Like It Hot (USA, 1959) – One of the two remaining ‘big’ Monroe movies I had yet to see (the other is The Prince And The Showgirl). It was a hit with my family many moons ago so I’d seen various bits and pieces over the years but far from the whole thing. One I enjoyed – not a favourite, but a fun couple of hours.
So, no goals.
Which films have you seen recently that you’d recommend?
July 7, 2017, 1:53 pm
I saw Baby Driver last night, and it was unexpectedly good. Lots of car chase scenes, of course.
July 7, 2017, 4:43 pm
Off your list I have watched and enjoyed Some Like It Hot and Independence Day: Resurgence. I have to admit though, that while I enjoyed Resurgence it wasn’t necessary and the original film is totally still the best!
Recently I went to see Wonder Woman at the cinema, which is a CGI spectacular with a kick-ass heroine; I loved it!
July 8, 2017, 1:11 am
Still haven’t seen Some Like It Hot! I keep meaning to start a proper movie-watching project where I catch up on some of the Classics, but I keep forgetting about it. :p
July 9, 2017, 12:00 am
The original Independence Day is one of my husband’s favorites. He thought this one was just okay.
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July 7, 2017, 10:17 am
I really like Some Like It Hot. I wonder if it helps that Lemmon and Curtis were still really big stars when I was growing up. Many years ago I saw it at the IMax near Waterloo and it was like watching a different film, visually.