December 2013 Reading Round-Up
Posted 30th December 2013
Category: Round-Ups Genres: N/A
December. Wretchedness. Moving. Christmas. Not as much reading. Wendy mentioned the ’13’ second of this year – maybe she’s right. In my last round-up I said I probably wouldn’t read much in December, but it was for a very different reason.
All books are works of fiction.
The Books
Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol – A grumpy, stingy, man learns, through ghostly visitations, that he needs to change his life, in particularly his attitude to Christmas and giving. Excellent.
Elizabeth Chadwick: The Summer Queen – Married earlier than she should have been and to a man she may not have married had her father lived, Alienor (as spelled in the book) struggles to remain independent in a world where women are but child bearers and pawns. The first in a trilogy based on Eleanor of Aquitaine’s life, this book is very good.
Julie Kagawa: The Iron Knight – Ash goes on his quest to become human. Didn’t really need to be written and uses that annoying element of bringing back someone who was definitely dead, but there is some goodness in it.
Matthew D Lieberman: Social – Lieberman looks are why we were made to be social. A concept with lots of promise, particularly for it’s somewhat opposition to Susan Cain’s Quiet, the book has unrealistic expectations, is incredibly repetitive, and the reasonings given are almost always ‘because of evolution’.
Shannon Stacey: Snowbound With The CEO – A business founder and his assistant act on their mutual attraction when held up by a snowstorm around Christmastime. Not one of Stacey’s best by any means – no character or real relationship development.
This is a difficult one but I’m going to say A Christmas Carol was my favourite this month. It’s difficult because The Summer Queen was so very good. Social was my least favourite for the reasons given above.
Quotation Report
None this time.
I’ve enjoyed the reading, but otherwise so long 2013. You won’t be missed.
What was your favourite book this month (or week if you round-up each week)?
December 30, 2013, 11:18 am
Well in that case I’m glad for you that there are only two days left in the month (less for you by now) ;) I hope the move went smoothly and that you’re settling in well.
I read A Christmas Carol last year and thought about It many times this December. I think I should try to make it an annual read!!
December 30, 2013, 12:57 pm
I’m glad to hear The Summer Queen was good. I’m looking forward to reading it as I love Elizabeth Chadwick.
I hope 2014 will be a better year for you.
December 30, 2013, 9:50 pm
I hope 2014 is a much kinder year for your Charlie, 2013 has been a bastard.
Due to having some days off I’ve somehow managed to read 13 books this month as well. And I feel all the better for it, work really dents into my reading time, ha.
Have a happy new year!
December 30, 2013, 10:12 pm
I listen to A Christmas Carol on audio every year, and every other year, we also see it live with our community theatre subscription. I love it! I always meant to start Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series, but still haven’t done it. 2013 was my first year at a new job and also a year of taking on too many projects and not getting them done, so I hope for a smoother 2014 also!
December 31, 2013, 10:02 am
I haven’t had time to do my usual reflection post on December and not sure I will get time! I did also read A Christmas Carol over the holiday which would probably would have been my favourite read of December.
I hope 2014 is a better year for you.
January 9, 2014, 10:56 am
Anbolyn: So far it’s okay (I guess it’s best to stay neutral rather than potential ‘jinx’ things. I was glad to read that you’re getting used to your new routines and life :) Indeed; the message there isn’t too heavy for the season but actually rather welcome.
Trish: We are, thank you. Some mishaps (I’ll likely write about it later) but it’s going okay. I’m thinking I may make the book an annual read, too. We’ve dedicated Christmas music, why not books, too.
Helen: It’s a very good book, and there is so much to it, it’s almost a trilogy in itself. Thank you :)
Alice: That it has. That’s awesome! Can you read on the bus/during lunch? You too, happy new year :)
Laurie: That sounds a great tradition! I haven’t heard of a theatre company performing the same play for more than one season. The Iron Fey’s worth giving a go, though the author seems to keep adding books to it every few months. To both our new years!
Jessica: This post almost didn’t get published so I know where you’re coming from :) It’s nice to be able to say that A Christmas Carol is a good book regardless, isn’t it? It can be easy to get swept up by Christmas books, but Dickens’ one is just very good. Thank you :)
Comments closed
December 30, 2013, 5:00 am
At least 2013 is almost over – I hope January is a better month for you. I think this past year was a hard one for many of us.
I read A Christmas Carol for the first time about 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. There is a definite reason that it is a holiday classic.