Cardiff Castle, Rainy Day
Posted 28th May 2014
Category: Photo Posts Genres: N/A
A few years ago, Megan wrote a guest post about Cardiff Castle. I was as fascinated by her photograph of the Arab room ceiling as I expect you may have been, and endeavoured to visit the castle myself. I finally got there. There are two types of ticket at the castle, one that lets you see five rooms, and a more expensive house tour. I’m not a fan of groups and we didn’t have too much time so we opted for the five rooms. Whilst guide books show that you do miss out by not going on the tour, the awe factor isn’t as less as it could be. As always, right click and view the image to see a bigger version.
Which historical site did you last visit?
May 28, 2014, 7:34 am
You made some beautiful photos, Charlie. The interior is fabulous, but I want to live in the library. That alcove is so perfect for reading. *sigh*
May 28, 2014, 9:22 am
Sadly it has been ages since I visited an historical site. Cardiff Castle looks like a great place to visit though that ceiling is amazing. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.
May 28, 2014, 1:30 pm
It looks very cozy inside, for a castle! The last historical site I visited must have been a banyan tree in Lahaina that was planted in 1873. You know the old joke: in the US, 100 years is a long time and in the UK, 100 miles is a long way.
May 28, 2014, 8:48 pm
Damn, that’s beautiful (slash very weird). Can you imagine ever living there? And was Cardiff one of the castles whose lands got done over by Capability Brown when he was doing his thing?
May 28, 2014, 9:29 pm
Great pictures – it looks amazing! I visited Cardiff, briefly, a few years ago but sadly didn’t have time to go inside the castle. I must go again one day!
May 29, 2014, 12:27 am
So beautiful! I can only imagine how much more impressive it is in person.
May 29, 2014, 4:32 pm
That ceiling!!!!!!!!! Your photo left me breathless. Can’t imagine what the experience was like in person.
May 30, 2014, 1:52 pm
Christine: Isn’t it?
Blodeudd: It’s worth it :)
Violet: Thanks :) The library was wonderful. I couldn’t take a good shot of the whole room because there was a huge tour group about to enter, but suffice to say it’s what the photograph showed, replicated, and as intricately decorated as the other rooms.
Jessica: It’s quite difficult sometimes, though, depending on where you want to go – all the closures in winter and specific days and so forth. It being ages is understandable. I lost my fellow traveller twice – both times I found them in that room, it really is stunning. You’re welcome :)
Jeanne: Oo, that sounds wonderful, I’ll have to look it up! That’s true, the history ‘runs’ differently and yes, 100 miles is a long way. It’s in an adult’s ‘are we there yet?’ territory!
Jenny: You’d become indifferent to it over time, I suppose. Too much grandeur spoiling the affect, perhaps. No, I don’t think so. The grounds are very basic, no gardens. The house is awesome but where the walls are I don’t think there’s a garden behind it, either.
Helen: Oh definitely make it a part of your next trip!
Literary Feline: The limits of photography :(
VioletCrush: Here’s to you seeing it :)
Audra: It’s a lost-for-words situation :)
June 2, 2014, 11:31 pm
These photos are just beautiful- I especially love the ones of the ceiling! Spectacular…. would love to be able to see many of the castles you’ve visited – one can imagine so much history and so many stories.
June 4, 2014, 9:31 pm
Jaw-droppingly gorgeous!!! Seriously, my jaw dropped when I opened this post.
Last historical place for us. I guess it would have been when we went to Ireland. Most of our excursions seem to be more outdoorsy, at least in the US.
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May 28, 2014, 2:13 am