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April 2015 Reading Round-Up

As I’ve said previously, April has seen some fabulous weather, well over three weeks of mostly cloudless days. The clouds have now returned along with colder temperatures, but I think other Brits will concur when I say that’s quite fine. Give us a fair patch of nice weather and we’ll accept the rain.

I didn’t read as much this month as I was nursing a slump (I’ve also had an ‘idea’ slump which I’m deeming worse than writer’s block), but I’m happy with what I achieved. I’ve also three books still on the go (excluding the classics I’m purposely forgetting are half-finished) that will likely be added to next month’s round-up.

All books are works of fiction.

The Books

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Guy Ware: The Fat Of Fed Beasts – A few policemen decide to a rob a bank in an age where there’s little money in banks and three ‘lose-adjusters’ look to work out both what’s happened and what’s going on in their own world. A rather unique book that can be quite confusing but nevertheless rather satisfying.

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Nancy Bilyeau: The Tapestry – Trying to live a normal life, Joanna Stafford is called to London to make a tapestry for Henry VIII and finds herself embroiled in the time between wife number four and wife number five. Not as ‘active’ as the others but a fair ending to an excellent trilogy.

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Shannon Stacey: Falling For Max – Max, the man with the television and secret job, decides he wants a wife and Tori decides to play matchmaker, not being attracted to him herself. Only to be read if you particularly want to finish the series.

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Shannon Stacey: Taken With You – Hailey’s bored of seeing all her friends pair off, leaving her the single single; then hairy Matt moves to Whitford. Not the worst, not the best.

My favourite this month would have to be The Tapestry. Bilyeau’s talent at blending fact and fiction was a feast for the reading senses. I wasn’t keen on either Stacey book, but I am happy I’ve read the entire series.

Quotation Report

None this time.

I started The House On The Strand yesterday and didn’t want to put it down so it’s likely it’ll be in my next round-up. What a book! I’m looking forward to good reading times ahead.

What did you read in April?



May 1, 2015, 7:39 pm

I must concur April has been a lovely month weather wise, even if it has gone a little cold now. I spent a lot of my month reading comforting, fantasy books. I wish you happy reading in May and I hope you get out of your idea slump.


May 1, 2015, 11:20 pm

You did good for books. Happy May reading!


May 6, 2015, 10:12 pm

Isn’t it wonderful when you find a good historical novel, especially when it’s fiction spun from fact.

You had a really good April for reading, it’s a shame the other Stacey books weren’t as good.



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