A Short Bullet-Pointed Update Post
Posted 9th October 2013
Category: The Worm Hole Genres: N/A
This post is brought to you by a lack of time to write in full sentences due to impromptu visits to A&E. (I’m fine – the person who had to go to hospital is fine, too, a migraine.)
- I’m going to get rid of my list of genre links. I used to think it was a good idea, but it looks like link spam, few people use it, and I myself would likely never use such a feature anyway. Do those of you who use blogrolls find they are used by your visitors?
- I’ve had a fair few guest post requests recently. I am open to guest posting, but will only accept posts from fellow bloggers, authors, publishers, librarians, readers of this site, literature academics, people who are obviously book lovers, and history lovers. In addition to this, like the vast majority of bloggers, if your pitch isn’t well written I’m going to delete it.
- To any authors who read this blog and are looking for an editor, I currently have the last two weeks of October free. Incidentally, my latest advice post, on gobbledygook, has had a good response.
- I have emailed a few people about this but wondered if by asking here I might discover other interested people. The author of Deutschland, a book I reviewed a couple of weeks ago and highly recommend, is looking for more blogger reviews. If you’ve time and would be happy to feature it on your blog, please let me know in the comments.
- I will be taking part in the readathon this weekend so there will be one extra post this week (I tend to stick to one post and update it). Are you taking part?
- Lastly, could anyone tell me why hospitals have vending machines full of junk food? It’s rather like McDonalds sponsoring the Olympics…
October 9, 2013, 2:35 pm
Hi Charlie
Sorry to hear about the A&E visits, but glad both you and the person you were visiting are OK.
Your genre links don’t strike me as link spam at all. I can see someone using them to navigate the site. But I’ve never used them myself. I used to have a blogroll on my site years ago, but visitors didn’t seem to use it much. I think blogrolls are more about scratching other blogger’s backs than providing useful links for visitors. Just a personal, and perhaps cynical, opinion!
Glad you liked Deutschland! I was offered a review copy by the publisher, but had to pass – I am completely swamped at the moment. Shame to miss out on it, but I can’t take on one more thing right now.
I think hospital vending machines are full of junk food for the same reason as the guest post pitches I get are all from semi-literate marketing people for Indian hotel chains.
October 9, 2013, 3:08 pm
My biggest problem with list links is my inability to update them regularly. I used to have a blog roll and used it like I now use Bloglovin or The Old Reader. It helped me keep track of the blogs I follow.
I like your genre links, but I understand your wanting to part with them. I think I’ve used them once or twice in the last several months.
Just about all of the guest post requests I get these days are marketing companies or companies totally unrelated to reading and books. I don’t even respond to them. I see the e-mails as spam and just delete them.
October 9, 2013, 6:27 pm
I use my blogroll and keep it updated with new things (I rarely delete anything, because even defunct blogs are forever). I sometimes do go through other peoples’ blogrolls when I think I have time to read new blogs.
My own blogroll is the way I visit blogs, since I have never found a good replacement for google reader.
I was intrigued by your description of Deutschland and would like to read it and review it.
October 9, 2013, 8:01 pm
I’ve heard a few people mention using genre links to tell what a blog includes, but I never use them for anything myself. And like your list, mine is so comprehensive, I’m not sure it tells someone much about my blog anyway. I’m considering getting rid of mine too, just to declutter :)
October 10, 2013, 9:32 pm
Glad everything is okay re: A&E! Hospitals having junk food is mind boggling, although lets face it, it’s probably better than the ‘cooked food’ they provide
I think a blogroll is a great idea, I was thinking of creating one myself. It’s a great way to find new blogs.
Good luck / have fun with the readathon :)
October 11, 2013, 2:19 am
I wish I were doing the readathon this weekend but, alas, I will be traveling and won’t have much time to read. I’m hoping to squeeze in a few hours on Saturday night, but we’ll see. Have fun!!
October 11, 2013, 1:52 pm
Hooray for the Readathon :D I’m glad to hear that you’re participating.
I’m open to having guest posters on my blog as well. I did receive an offer from an online gambling site, ha ha. Think I’ll skip that one ;)
Comments closed
Jenny @ Reading the End
October 9, 2013, 2:16 am
I think the junk food vending machines are because hospital visitors tend to be miserable and in need of intense hits of dopamine. At least that is how I have interpreted their presence when I’ve been visiting people in hospitals.