6 Months Blog Anniversary
Posted 4th October 2010
Category: The Worm Hole Genres: N/A
6 months ago today I began this blog. To look at my statistics and think of all the books I’ve read since it seems such a long time ago. Yet the time confuses me. It feels like it’s gone so fast but on closer inspection so much has happened since 4th April.
I’ve read 34 books since starting my blog
I’ve blogged here 88 times
I’ve posted 40 reviews, 26 of which have been written in the 6 months
I have far more blogs in my reader than I can keep up with.
Some of the most notable things these last few months: I received books for review; I gained experience in a new field of work; I gained a nephew (he’s growing so quickly!), and I decided to begin and have started a degree.
Because of the nature of book blogging, having that one certain topic and a constant stream of reviews for posting, I’ve managed to post a lot more than I have in the two years I’ve been writing my general blog – in fact my post count at The Worm Hole have already almost overtaken it. It’s given me a confidence boost; yes, I can write a lot more if I want and yes, it was just the ideas that were lacking.
Thank you to all my readers, to both those who comment and those who don’t (I invite you to say hi!), and to the friends I’ve gained.
Choosing to write down my thoughts and start this blog are two of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
October 15, 2010, 2:15 am
Charlie, congratulations on your six-month mark. Isn’t it a fulfilling thing to look back over one’s blog, or posts, or reviews, and find how one has grown? To me, that’s as important as the connections we make with one another. I still have a book which I’m fairly certain you recommended long ago (I hope I’m not mistaken): Inspector Imanishi Investigates. I think I read about it on your blog, promptly ordered it, and now just have to find the time to open it up!
Charlie: Thanks! It is indeed very fulfilling, and suddenly essay questions aren’t so daunting for all the practice in structure due to reviewing. I don’t think it was me who recommended it, though I may have mentioned a book with a similar-sounding title. All the same I hope you enjoy it!
October 17, 2010, 2:52 pm
This is a little late, but congratulations on your 6 months blogiversary! It sounds like blogging has been a great experience for you so far – and it only gets better :D
Charlie: Hi Nymeth, thanks!
Comments closed
October 4, 2010, 1:56 am
Congratulations on your 6 months! I can’t claim to have been here for all 6, but I am glad BBAW brought The Worm Hole to my attention.
It sounds like there’s lots going on for you outside of the blog as well, which is always fun!